Langkah pertama kita mendownload lagu biasanya nge-search artist + judulnya di searching box di GOOGLE atau membuka Tetapi cara itu biasanya kurang mujarap sesuai dengan pengalaman saya, contoh bila kita langsung membuka via dan langsung mengetik lagu yang kita ingin cari di 4shared searching box, file yang kita ingin kan tidak ditemukan, jadi anda bisa mengikuti beberapa TIPS saya.
Tips - tips:
1. Tulis artist dan judul lagu yang anda ingin download di GOOGLE searching box.
2. Dalam tulisan itu sisipkan embel-embel 4shared.
3. Setelah itu klik enter pada keyboard.
4. Muncullah beberapa sumber yang memuat lagu tersebut seperti diatas.
5. Klik salah satu, dan pasti akan mengarah ke 4SHARED.
6. Klik salah satu file yang mendekati.
7. Klik tabel "Unduh Sekarang".
8. Setelah itu klik "Unduh File Sekarang".
9. Setelah itu tinggal save.
KLIK "OK" untuk mensave filenya.
10. Tinggal ditunggu saja, dan MAINKAN.
Mengapa saya sarankan untuk mengambil file dari 4SHARED, karena web ini paling mudah untuk nge-download.
Itu sih TIPS dan pengalaman yang saya berikan dan alami.
Archive for March 2011
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TIPS Nge-DOWNLOAD LAGU via 4shared dan
FBC (Foursma Bicycle Club) Activity
@ Walikota Cup Cross Country Competition we win the FIRST place BMX cross country by Sugiri Arwa Kumara
@Walikota Cup Cross Country Competition we also win the THIRD place MTB cross country by Jaya LaksanaRELATED PHOTOS:
FBC (Foursma Bicycle Club) Activity
TOUR to SANUR from Basecamp (Jln. Nangka Selatan Gg Kenari I/2) to SANUR (BALI beach-MERTASARI beach).
If our pc was infected by virus or our OS was broken we must reinstal new OS on our PC, so how to install it?
1. Decide what you would like to do. Are you going to reinstall your operating system because of problems, upgrading your current version, or are you installing an operating system on a new computer? Make sure that you have the new operating system install program. Windows and MAC require that you purchase a CD or DVD Rom(s). Ubuntu and other Linux are free and can be installed from a flash drive too.
2. Back up your data. If you are reinstalling your operating system, it is likely that you will need to wipe the disk. Back up your data before doing so, as everything on the disk will be destroyed. If you are simply upgrading, it is okay to skip this step, but it is advisable to save at least the most important files on your computer.
3. Completely wipe all information from the hard disc. This will insure that you do not carry problems over into the new install. For instructions on how to do this watch the video at New installations of Windows and Linux offer to replace all data on your entire hard disk. So completely wiping it prior to installation is unnecessary.
4. Boot up. Turn on your computer and quickly enter the boot menu. The owner's manual for your computer or motherboard should have instructions on how to do this. It will show on the screen for a breif moment too. Select the drive that contains the setup disk (and be sure you have inserted it). Save the setting and exit.
5. Start the installation. It may take the install program a few minutes to load, this is normal. Once it has loaded, follow the onscreen instructions. If you are installing a new operating system on a new computer or reinstalling due to a problem, wipe the disk. Be sure you have saved everything that you would like to save before starting this process.
6. Sit back and relax. The installer may ask you for some information while it's installing, but for the most part, just waiting is okay. Near the end of the installation, the installer will ask you for last-minute information, like your name, the name of the computer, sign in name, password, time zone, etc. Do not be alarmed by this, none of this information can be used to identify you, it's all for personal preference.
7. Enter the product ID. If you are installing a consumer operating system like Windows, it will probably require you to enter a product ID. Look at the back of the CD case for the product ID. If you are installing Linux, this does not apply to you.
8. Reboot. Once you reboot, the computer will finalize everything and log you in. At this point, you may need to install drivers. Insert any disks that came with your computer or it's parts that are NOT an operating system, and allow the drivers to be installed (if necessary).
9. Allow updates. This is especially important in Windows. Allow the computer to seek updates and install them. Look for a "top 10 things to do" list for that operating system.
10. Install antivirus software. If you are using Windows without antivirus software while on the web, you are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of malicious programs. Before you do anything, even installing Firefox, install antivirus. If you don't have any, look for avast! Antivirus, it's free.
11. Use it! You're done, now what you do is totally up to you. Set a password, install programs, customize, create user accounts, etc. If you have any files you backed up, you may restore them now. Or, just enjoy the clean slate and redo everything, whatever you like.
1. Some operating systems, specifically Linux, have expert setups and automatic setups. If you don't know about disk partitioning, use the automatic setup. It will partition the disks for you.
2. A good way to make setup faster is when you back up data, don't copy it, but move it, then defragment the disk. Try to do this the night before you install the new operating system, as the install will be able to format the disk much faster. This is especially true if you have an IDE disk that is over 40 gigabytes, or Serial ATA (SATA) disk that is over 500 gigabytes.
3. Try starting the installation at night. Start the installation, and go to bed when the installer starts copying the files (this will usually take anywhere from ten minutes to two hours). Assume it will take the whole night to copy the files, and in the morning, finish the last minute steps.
1. Be sure to back up everything before you do this, unless you are upgrading. However, it is wise to back up while upgrading, too.
2. If you are installing Windows and you go online, be sure to install antivirus software before you do so.
1. Decide what you would like to do. Are you going to reinstall your operating system because of problems, upgrading your current version, or are you installing an operating system on a new computer? Make sure that you have the new operating system install program. Windows and MAC require that you purchase a CD or DVD Rom(s). Ubuntu and other Linux are free and can be installed from a flash drive too.
2. Back up your data. If you are reinstalling your operating system, it is likely that you will need to wipe the disk. Back up your data before doing so, as everything on the disk will be destroyed. If you are simply upgrading, it is okay to skip this step, but it is advisable to save at least the most important files on your computer.
3. Completely wipe all information from the hard disc. This will insure that you do not carry problems over into the new install. For instructions on how to do this watch the video at New installations of Windows and Linux offer to replace all data on your entire hard disk. So completely wiping it prior to installation is unnecessary.
4. Boot up. Turn on your computer and quickly enter the boot menu. The owner's manual for your computer or motherboard should have instructions on how to do this. It will show on the screen for a breif moment too. Select the drive that contains the setup disk (and be sure you have inserted it). Save the setting and exit.
5. Start the installation. It may take the install program a few minutes to load, this is normal. Once it has loaded, follow the onscreen instructions. If you are installing a new operating system on a new computer or reinstalling due to a problem, wipe the disk. Be sure you have saved everything that you would like to save before starting this process.
6. Sit back and relax. The installer may ask you for some information while it's installing, but for the most part, just waiting is okay. Near the end of the installation, the installer will ask you for last-minute information, like your name, the name of the computer, sign in name, password, time zone, etc. Do not be alarmed by this, none of this information can be used to identify you, it's all for personal preference.
7. Enter the product ID. If you are installing a consumer operating system like Windows, it will probably require you to enter a product ID. Look at the back of the CD case for the product ID. If you are installing Linux, this does not apply to you.
8. Reboot. Once you reboot, the computer will finalize everything and log you in. At this point, you may need to install drivers. Insert any disks that came with your computer or it's parts that are NOT an operating system, and allow the drivers to be installed (if necessary).
9. Allow updates. This is especially important in Windows. Allow the computer to seek updates and install them. Look for a "top 10 things to do" list for that operating system.
10. Install antivirus software. If you are using Windows without antivirus software while on the web, you are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of malicious programs. Before you do anything, even installing Firefox, install antivirus. If you don't have any, look for avast! Antivirus, it's free.
11. Use it! You're done, now what you do is totally up to you. Set a password, install programs, customize, create user accounts, etc. If you have any files you backed up, you may restore them now. Or, just enjoy the clean slate and redo everything, whatever you like.
1. Some operating systems, specifically Linux, have expert setups and automatic setups. If you don't know about disk partitioning, use the automatic setup. It will partition the disks for you.
2. A good way to make setup faster is when you back up data, don't copy it, but move it, then defragment the disk. Try to do this the night before you install the new operating system, as the install will be able to format the disk much faster. This is especially true if you have an IDE disk that is over 40 gigabytes, or Serial ATA (SATA) disk that is over 500 gigabytes.
3. Try starting the installation at night. Start the installation, and go to bed when the installer starts copying the files (this will usually take anywhere from ten minutes to two hours). Assume it will take the whole night to copy the files, and in the morning, finish the last minute steps.
1. Be sure to back up everything before you do this, unless you are upgrading. However, it is wise to back up while upgrading, too.
2. If you are installing Windows and you go online, be sure to install antivirus software before you do so.
NAMA VIRUS:W32/Sality.AE, W32.Sality.AE, TROJ_AGENT.XOO [Trend], W32/ [McAfee], Sality.AG [Panda Software], Win32/Sality.Z [Computer Associates], Win32/Sality.AA [Computer Associates]
Ini merupakan virus yang banyak tersebar melalui jaringan yang memanfaatkan default share windows atau share folder dengan akses full. Virus Sality akan banyak menyerang dan menginjeksi file berekstensi *.exe, menonaktifkan task manager, menonaktifkan regedit serta membuat windows anda tidak bisa dijalankan secara save mode. Dan parahnya, Sality ini mampu merusak beberapa file berekstensi *.exe hingga tidak bisa digunakan lagi.
Jika komputer anda terinfeksi, bagaimana membasminya?
Ini beberapa langkah untuk membasminya:
1. Putuskan hubungan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan dan internet.
2. Matikan System Restore selama proses pembersihan berlangsung.
3. Matikan Autorun dan Default Share.
4. Matikan program aplikasi yang aktif di memori agar proses pembersihan lebih cepat terutama program yang ada dalam daftar startup.
5. Sebaiknya scan dengan menggunakan removal tools dengan terlebih dahulu merubah ekstensi dari removal tools tersebut dengan ekstensi lain [contoh: CMD] agar tidak diinfeksi ulang oleh W32/Sality.AE.
6. Agar komputer yang sudah terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE dapat booting safe mode, silahkan restore registry yang sudah diubah oleh virus.
7. Perbaiki registry yang diubah oleh virus, silahkan download software berikut kemudian jalankan software tersebut dan kemudian scan registry. Perbaiki registry yang rusak karena virus sality tersebut.
Pilih free account dan klik tombol slow button
8. Restart komputer dan scan ulang dengan menggunakan removal tools untuk memastikan komputer telah bersih dari virus.
9. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang sebaiknya install dan scan dengan antivirus yang dapat mendeteksi Sality dengan baik.
Untuk lebih mudah gunakan ini NORMAN MALWARE CLEANER.
Jika ada kendala silahkan coment disini.
Ini merupakan virus yang banyak tersebar melalui jaringan yang memanfaatkan default share windows atau share folder dengan akses full. Virus Sality akan banyak menyerang dan menginjeksi file berekstensi *.exe, menonaktifkan task manager, menonaktifkan regedit serta membuat windows anda tidak bisa dijalankan secara save mode. Dan parahnya, Sality ini mampu merusak beberapa file berekstensi *.exe hingga tidak bisa digunakan lagi.
Jika komputer anda terinfeksi, bagaimana membasminya?
Ini beberapa langkah untuk membasminya:
1. Putuskan hubungan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan dan internet.
2. Matikan System Restore selama proses pembersihan berlangsung.
3. Matikan Autorun dan Default Share.
4. Matikan program aplikasi yang aktif di memori agar proses pembersihan lebih cepat terutama program yang ada dalam daftar startup.
5. Sebaiknya scan dengan menggunakan removal tools dengan terlebih dahulu merubah ekstensi dari removal tools tersebut dengan ekstensi lain [contoh: CMD] agar tidak diinfeksi ulang oleh W32/Sality.AE.
6. Agar komputer yang sudah terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE dapat booting safe mode, silahkan restore registry yang sudah diubah oleh virus.
7. Perbaiki registry yang diubah oleh virus, silahkan download software berikut kemudian jalankan software tersebut dan kemudian scan registry. Perbaiki registry yang rusak karena virus sality tersebut.
Pilih free account dan klik tombol slow button
8. Restart komputer dan scan ulang dengan menggunakan removal tools untuk memastikan komputer telah bersih dari virus.
9. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang sebaiknya install dan scan dengan antivirus yang dapat mendeteksi Sality dengan baik.
Untuk lebih mudah gunakan ini NORMAN MALWARE CLEANER.
Jika ada kendala silahkan coment disini.